May 27, 2014


Fly Ranch Geyser is not an entirely natural phenomenon, in fact, it's a man-made small geothermal geyser which is located in Washoe County, Nevada. It was accidentally created in the 60's while drilling to explore options for energy. It is a privately owned landmark but special tours may be made to view this beautiful place. Have you seen this amazing sight?

May 21, 2014


This work by New York based artist Sam Spratt has just blown me away. His portrait illustrations are beyond impressive and have put him in popular demand by a large group of clients ranging from tv, magazines an journalism, an more. To see more of Sam's amazing work please flow this LINK to his personal page. Enjoy and Happy Thursday!

May 20, 2014


Loving this illustration and color palette by the wonderfully talented Mariann Doherty. To view more of her amazing work, or to purchase this print above, please click on the link to her shop below. Happy Tuesday sweet friends.

May 19, 2014


So not just one, but two kiddos celebrated birthdays this month 6 days apart from each other. Completely unplanned that way, but thinking back about it now, I like that their birthdays are so close together. Maybe in the future it will help each of them remember the others special day. Little Miss P (Penelope) turned 4 yesterday though. In honor of her special day she ate donuts, received gifts, went out for lunch (her choice), ate cupcakes (princess, Disney Frozen themed and purple... the only way imaginable), took her new bike her dad bought her out for a spin and played around the house some. The day before (Saturday) she enjoyed plenty of time with friends and family in a bouncy house, jumping and acting all silly for her brothers birthday bash. And the weekend prior to that, the guy I'm dating, the kids and I all traveled to the Omaha Zoo, so it's been a few fun weekends of activities. So all in all, I'd like to think she had a pretty great birthday weekend(s). I still can't figure out where the time has gone, and though I miss that little baby she once was, I really love how this little lady has grown, and the age she's at now is probably my favorite. Happy Birthday P. I love you!

May 12, 2014


In the blink of an eye time has gone by… An six years ago, on a Monday similar to today (a bit sunnier though) at 145pm you decided to arrive… You were early, an a little 6 lb 8 oz baby, which was tinier than I had been told you'd be, and I recall being beyond nervous to even hold you for the first time… but I did know that I was so excited to finally meet you. I never knew I could feel so much love for someone I had never meet before. And because of you, my life has changed for the best, and you have taught me to love, and to have patience's like I had never had before. There's no hiding the fact that it's hard at times to be a parent, but it is surely so rewarding too. An at the end of the day, as I step back and reflect on the time past and how things are today, I have seen you grow a little bit more each day into this little person all your own that I'm so incredibly proud of. I love you sweet Wyeth, and thanks for picking me as your mom, an Happy 6th Birthday!!!

May 10, 2014


These two are quite the characters. An most days they are the best of friends. Like all kids they have their moments, an disagree about things, don't we all, but non the less they make me so incredibly happy that I can't imagine my life before them. They're silly smiling faces, and the way the feed off each other at times, is pure entertainment to sit back and watch. Today we are celebrating their birthdays with a trip to the Omaha Zoo. Wish us luck, and as long as we all survive a few hours in the car together, it should be a great day! I'm not to sure where the times gone, and how they grew up so quickly on me, but I'm enjoying these days with my motley little crew more than ever. Happy weekend sweet friends!

May 9, 2014


So I made these super simple animals balloon weights for a birthday that just past. I had a theme of gold and black going on, you can see the cupcake toppers here that also were for the party, but I really like how these animals came out, especially the hippo which was my favorite! I hunted down dollar animals (the lion and tiger were at Walmart, and the hippo was found at Michael's) and then took it upon myself, along side a few cans of spray paint to turn them into something more appropriate for the party. I taped off the animals creating patterning using (don't laugh) SaranWrap and wash tapes. I used the plastic wrap to cover larger areas so I wasn't wasting all my tape in the process, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Overall they took me a few hours between drying and taping but it was well worth the efforts. They would be a great quick addition for a party or maybe even for basic home decor. Then I tied each animal to a balloon and finished them off with the little hand lettered tags below, which each animal sat with a tag resting against it's mouth (kinda like it was eating them), I know I'm a huge geek, but all in all it looked cute non the less. Enjoy!

May 8, 2014


I don't know much about Cologne, Germany but I'm loving the look of those colorful buildings. An the architecture is pretty astonishing too. Oh and is that a church or some type of castle in the background? Either way, this looks like an amazing place that I'd love to venture to someday. Have you been here before?


May 5, 2014



So this past weekend the guy I'm seeing celebrated a birthday and I had planned a surprise birthday dinner and night out with friends. I wanted to make it a bit more special for him to remember, so I made a few little things, keepsakes if you will, for the night. These candle holders, which sat on top of cupcakes where one of the items I made. As for my supplies... the animals/dino were bought in bulk for a few bucks at a party supply store called US Toy, gold spray paint from Michael's was the most expensive item, and then the flower holders on top are vintage and were purchased in bulk on eBay. Overall all the supplies where fairly easy to come by and then I uses an x-acto knife and screw to make holes into the tops of each piece where I'd then place the flower (though I cut them down some with scissors) along with some liquid glue. I love how they turned out and so did everyone else. Good luck if you decide to make some of your own and if you have any questions surely message me in the comment window below. Happy Monday!

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