December!?! How is it December, an the 3rd to be exact. I was mentioning to my better half last weekend that the year has just flown right by and what have I done with myself? Though my blog hasn’t been as updated as I hoped it would have been for 2015, I have been busy on the back end with family, life, home projects, work, doodling and more… To say that I haven’t been busy would be an understatement. As 2016 is almost here I started thinking about the year(s) behind me and all the ideas of things I’ve hopes to achieve. My goals lists have always been both big and small, an when I finally finish my list I’ll share some of it here...
One of my goals for the year behind us was to doodle something new every week. There were a few weeks I was off, because of schedules and poor timing I'm sure but all in all I tried my best. Am I'm pretty proud of myself for doing so. In October I challenged myself to the online #Inktober craze an felt very successful after it too. You may see those doodles over on IG under my hashtag #sandidoodles. My yearly goal of doodling will continue, but in the year ahead I hope to challenge myself more an in few new ways. I'll share more about this later.
So what are some of your goals from the year past? Did you achieve your goals?
Do you have goals for the year ahead you'd care to share?
I hope you're December started off well.
Much love,