May 9, 2014


So I made these super simple animals balloon weights for a birthday that just past. I had a theme of gold and black going on, you can see the cupcake toppers here that also were for the party, but I really like how these animals came out, especially the hippo which was my favorite! I hunted down dollar animals (the lion and tiger were at Walmart, and the hippo was found at Michael's) and then took it upon myself, along side a few cans of spray paint to turn them into something more appropriate for the party. I taped off the animals creating patterning using (don't laugh) SaranWrap and wash tapes. I used the plastic wrap to cover larger areas so I wasn't wasting all my tape in the process, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Overall they took me a few hours between drying and taping but it was well worth the efforts. They would be a great quick addition for a party or maybe even for basic home decor. Then I tied each animal to a balloon and finished them off with the little hand lettered tags below, which each animal sat with a tag resting against it's mouth (kinda like it was eating them), I know I'm a huge geek, but all in all it looked cute non the less. Enjoy!


  1. These are adorable! Awesome D.I.Y. Will be trying this out soon!


  2. These are fabulous! So clever and so effective!

  3. Such a cool idea Sandi! I'm pinning it.

  4. I found your idea for these baloon weights but I needed heavier weights to hold down some 36" helium balloons. I purchased these same plastic animals as the dollar store. Before I painted them, I made an incision into the neck of each animal and added fishing line weights into the cavity of the animal. Then I used super glue to close the whole back up. After painting them, the incision was invisible.
    When guests picked them up to examin them, they thought they were bronz or brass! You can find weight charts for balloon sizes. I think my weights were 85 grams. Thanks for the lovely, inexpensive idea!


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