In the blink of an eye time has gone by… An six years ago, on a Monday similar to today (a bit sunnier though) at 145pm you decided to arrive… You were early, an a little 6 lb 8 oz baby, which was tinier than I had been told you'd be, and I recall being beyond nervous to even hold you for the first time… but I did know that I was so excited to finally meet you. I never knew I could feel so much love for someone I had never meet before. And because of you, my life has changed for the best, and you have taught me to love, and to have patience's like I had never had before. There's no hiding the fact that it's hard at times to be a parent, but it is surely so rewarding too. An at the end of the day, as I step back and reflect on the time past and how things are today, I have seen you grow a little bit more each day into this little person all your own that I'm so incredibly proud of. I love you sweet Wyeth, and thanks for picking me as your mom, an Happy 6th Birthday!!!
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