Hello and Welcome to
CREATIVELY CURATED, it's great to have you here! I'm Sandi D, the prior writer/author and inspirational gatherer over on
AdaLou, the Blog. It was not an easy decision for me to make, to move my blog to a new site, but you may read more about that over
here. In short, with a major shift in my life, I decided it was time to say goodbye to my old space and continue being creative elsewhere, so Creatively Curated has been born with the hopes and dreams of something great to come. I hope you'll follow along as I share the things I love with a passion around art & design, typography, fashion, food and life in general.
For those of you who know me, thanks for joining me again, but for those of you I have never meet, a bit about me would be... I'm a mom to two wonderful kiddos, Wyeth age 5 (named after the artist N.C. Wyeth) and Penelope age 3. My kiddos and I live cozily just outside the Kansas City limits in a small town with our lazy spotted tabby, Luna. I am a designer by days for Hallmark Cards in their creative studio, and by evenings I juggle every other tasks under the sun, including, but not limited to late night pastry and sweet tooth artist. Besides being a blogger, you can find me and my daily photos being shared via Instagram, I love documenting life as it is (so I apologize in advance for flooding your photo feeds), or you can come pin with me on Pinterst (it's addicting, I'm sure you'll be hooked too...) or if you want to occasionally hear me ramble nonsense you can tweet me over on Twitter.
There's a bit more about me on my "About" page, but over all I'm an easy going, laid back 30 something mom, that enjoys the little things in life and sharing my creative side and daily finds. I have a bit of a sarcastic side which you may see come out from time to time but overall I write what makes me most happy. So I hope you'll stick around for a while and we can become friends, an thank you for stopping by my little space.
* Please note that the follow & subscribe buttons here on Creatively Curated will be updated to this new blog shortly, but currently they link to my old space on AdaLou. Thanks for your patience's as everything comes together.
** 12/11 1:14PM the Bloglovin' App now links to Creatively Curated, Hooray!!!