I don’t find myself buying apps to often, but when I do, it has to be something that really intrigues me. Monument Valley is one of those apps! My guy is a big gamer and started playing this app a bit before me an mentioned a few times he thought I would really like it, an you know what, I did! I am not a gamer but this game is unlike anything I’ve played before. The graphics are beautiful an M.C. Escher-esque which I love, the music is calming as Ida (the character) travels about on her adventure, and the strategy behind this game is educational to say the least. This post is not a paid advertisement for this app, but honestly, if you are looking for a great problem solving game that really makes you think, it’s worth the extra bucks. An our kids would surely agree, as they've beat all the levels and continue to play it every chance they get. Have you played Monument Valley, if not is there a app/game you love? Happy weekend!