IMAGE CREDIT (edited by me)
January 7, 2014
It's interesting to me that all year long we have the chance to change things but not until when the New Year rolls around do people really kick it into high gear and start taking advantage of this. Why is this? What sparks that torch of change? It's it the idea of a new year so a new start... because isn't each day, a new day for that matter… An all in all, it's not that I'm any different from the next person. I have things I want to work towards an I know seeking adventures is on the list. I'm going to try to make it my point to create little mini adventures with my kiddos at least once a month, if it be exploring new places we haven't been before, to having a fresh view on somewhere we have already seen. Or maybe it's not even going somewhere, maybe it's even a new twist on playtime and fort building at home... it's something I'm hoping to do more of this year. Enjoying and seeking adventures. Whatever you may be seeking this year ahead, I hope you surely find it. :)
IMAGE CREDIT (edited by me)
IMAGE CREDIT (edited by me)
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