So over the Summer I saw a preview for a movie I was highly interested in seeing... You guessed it, the title above, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. You know when you see a preview for the first time and you just feel it will be a movie you'll really like. Well this is one of those movies. And though I'm patiently still waiting to see it, everyone around me who's already seen it, has said it's been great! Needless to say though, the actors first caught my attention, the cinematography looked amazing, an as I watched in awe because I already knew the storyline, I got that much more excited about it. In high school literature (an we won't say how long ago that was, but long ago) we read a great deal of fabulous short stories and this one of them, so after seeing the preview, I may have geeked out and reserved a book at the local library so I could reread the story again. If you haven't seen the movie just yet and have time to hit a library the book "21 Essential American Short Stories" was the one I grabbed and read it from, there were other great short stories in there too, I've linked it below. Now please don't give me any spoilers, but have you seen it and enjoyed it? I'm hoping it's all that I am making it out to be. Happy Friday an happy weekend ahead!
* Oh and random side note. The song in the trailer below, which I love, is by
"Of Monsters and Men" and it's called
"Dirty Paws". Just incase you're anything like me, an are curious and then question or try to figure out how do I find out who sang that ;)
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