I recently purchased a Instax Mini 8 for our Labor Day STL weekend trip. I have been wanting one for a while but just kept putting off buying it. Partially because the one I reeeeeeally wanted, which was bright aqua, was a limited edition via UO and after thinking about it more I couldn't justify the cost after realizing I could order one on Amazon, still brand new for 40 bucks less. An though white may seem blah in color some it is going to get a washi tape makeover in it's future. Needless to say I will go into more details of our weekend adventure on another post and list out a few things we did and loved. The Instax though... I knew that being a new user to this camera would mean patiences and that wouldn't get great results just yet. So we had fun taking a few photos, some didn't turn out for sure, but I thought I'd share what I can. And if you have this camera or one similar I'm up for any tips, tricks, pointers or fun things you've discovered while snapping away. Enjoy!
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